
It is at night, when the sun has set and the house is quiet that I think of you. I think of the time we used to spend together, hand in hand. Talking, cuddling.

I miss you. I miss the sound of your voice and wonder if I’ll forget it. I listen to your voicemails when I think I may. I felt safe with you. Free to be myself. You raised me higher. You challenged my insecurities. You pushed me ahead and prodded me along when I wavered.

What am I supposed to do without you in my life? Who will I confide in? Who will ease my worries and tell me that I’m doing just fine?

Will I see you again? My heart was breaking with you and yet it breaks without you. I know not which is worse. Time will tell. Only time will tell. And perhaps only time can slow my unraveling.

Categories Emotions, Heartache, Heartbreak, Life, Love, Spirit, Strength, UncategorizedTags , ,

4 thoughts on “Darkness

  1. Painfully beautiful. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well written though. 🙂 You have a way to go.. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks. Learning to fully live your life without someone is a gradual process.


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